Get Started

Mr.Hope ... 2022-6-1 About 2 min

By installing and enableing this plugin, you can use more syntax in your Markdown files.


Don’t worry about the size of your site. If you don’t enable related features, the final code won’t include code for these features.

At the same time, VuePress itself adds some Markdown syntaxes. You can view the official documentation (opens new window).

# Enable All

You can set enableAll: true in plugin options to enable all features of this plugin.


Please use this option ONLY for playing or testing.

As time grows, vuepress-plugin-md-enhance is becoming more powerful. It’s adding lots of syntax to Markdown parser and more code to output.

Enabling features you don’t need will increase dev and build time. (markdown-it has to check extra syntax)

Also, presentation feature will add a 700KB size chunk (mostly is reveal.js) to your output.

Please use the options below and enable ONLY the feature you want to use.

# New Feature

# Tabs

# Code Tabs

# Superscript and Subscript

19th H2O

# Align

I am center

I am right align

# Footnote

This text has footnote[1].

# Mark

You can mark important words .

# Tasklist

# Image Enhancement

Support setting color scheme and size

# Chart

A Scatter Chart

# Echarts

A line chart

# Flowchart

# Mermaid

# Tex

rωr(yωω)=(yωω){(logy)r+i=1r(1)ir(ri+1)(logy)riωi}\frac {\partial^r} {\partial \omega^r} \left(\frac {y^{\omega}} {\omega}\right) = \left(\frac {y^{\omega}} {\omega}\right) \left\{(\log y)^r + \sum_{i=1}^r \frac {(-1)^i r \cdots (r-i+1) (\log y)^{r-i}} {\omega^i} \right\}

# Include files

File not found

# Code Demo

A normal demo
<h1>VuePress Theme Hope</h1>
<p>Is <span id="very">very</span> powerful!</p>
document.querySelector("#very").addEventListener("click", () => {
  alert("Very powerful!");
span {
  color: red;

# Presentation

# Stylize

Setting this to a invalid stytax doesn't have any effect.

  1. This is footnote content ↩︎

Last update: June 4, 2022 13:16
Contributors: Mr.Hope