Get Started
By installing and enabling this plugin, you can use more syntax in your Markdown files.
Built-in enhancements by VuePress
VuePress itself adds additional markdown features. See official docs for more information.
Tree shaking
Output will only include codes of features you enabled, so no need to worry about the size.
This plugin provides 6 ways to let you insert charts into your markdown file.
Chart.js: A lightweight, easy-to-use, highly customizable chart library.
Chart.js is lighter comparing to ECharts.
ECharts: A powerful, interactive charting and visualization library for browser.
ECharts is more powerful comparing to Chart.js.
Flowchart: A simple markdown extension to generate flowcharts and sequence diagrams.
Lightweight, only focusing on flowcharts.
Markmap: Create mindmap with markdown
The runtime is very heavy, not recommended.
Mermaid: Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown.
Powerful collection of common charts.
Plantuml: UML diagram driven by Java.
No runtime.
This plugin provides the following features to enhance coding:
- Code Demo: Display and run code snippets in browser.
- Playground: Embed external playground site.
- Kotlin Playground: Reactive kotlin playground.
- Vue Playground: Reactive vue playground.
Code Demo
<h1>VuePress Theme Hope</h1>
<p>Is <span id="very">very</span> powerful!</p>
document.querySelector("#very").addEventListener("click", () => {
alert("Very powerful!");
span {
color: red;
Kotlin Playground
class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String) fun main(args: Array<String>) { val contact = Contact(1, "") println( }