Feed Support

Mr.Hope ... 2021-1-25 Feature
  • Feature
  • Feed
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The theme will enable feed generation support using vuepress-plugin-feed1 (opens new window) by default.

vuepress-plugin-feed1 plugin will automatically generate feed in the following three formats for you

  • Atom 1.0 (Default output: atom.xml)
  • JSON 1.1 (Default output: feed.json)
  • RSS 2.0 (Default output: rss.xml)

Considering that rare people stick to feed now, this plugin provides a minimal configuration to adjust the automatic generation of detailed feed files. And if you do not need this feature, you can set the themeConfig.feed to false to disable the plugin.

# Channel Settings

You can customize information of feed channel by setting the channel option.

We recommend you to set the following options:

  • Convert the date when the feed was created to ISOString and write it to channel.pubDate
  • Set the content update cycle (unit: minute) in channel.ttl

For detailed options and their values, please see Feed Channel Config (opens new window)

# Project Settings

By default, all articles will be added to the feed stream. You can control the generation of feed items for specific articles by configuring the feed options in frontmatter.

To remove a specific page from the feed, set feed.enable to false in the frontmatter of the page.

You can also add content directly to the feed plugin via frontmatter.feed. For detailed options and their default values, please see Feed Item Config (opens new window)

# Output configuration

You can use the output in the configuration options to decide which feed file formats to output and their location.

For detailed options and their default values, see Feed Output config (opens new window)

Last update: June 3, 2022 14:09
Contributors: Mr.Hope , Mr.Hope