VuePress 案例
Mr.Hope ... 2020-10-13 大约 9 分钟
# 资源
# 官方资源
- 文档 -官方指南 (opens new window)
- 文档 - 配置手册 (opens new window)
- 文档 - GitHub 库 (opens new window)
- 文档 - 发布说明 (opens new window)
- Medium - Intro to VuePress 1.x (opens new window)
# 额外资源
# 教程
- 20180518 VueNYC - Introduction to VuePress - Evan You (opens new window)
- 20190107 Twitch Session: Trying to Write a VuePress Plugin (opens new window)
- 20190320 Create a Blog with VuePress on GitLab Pages (opens new window)
- 20190625 Secure GitLab Pages with Let’s Encrypt Certificate (opens new window)
# 官方示例
# 示例
- (opens new window) - An example of a site running VuePress on Netlify.
# 博客提交
# 画廊
# 插件
# 官方插件
由 vuejs/VuePress (opens new window) 维护:
- @vuepress/plugin-blog (opens new window) - 博客插件
- @vuepress/plugin-active-header-links (opens new window) - 一个当页面滚动时自动激活侧边栏对应项的插件
- @vuepress/plugin-back-to-top (opens new window) - 返回顶部按钮插件
- @vuepress/plugin-google-analytics (opens new window) - Google analytics 插件
- @vuepress/plugin-i18n-ui (opens new window) - 多语言适配插件
- @vuepress/plugin-last-updated (opens new window) - 显示上次页面编辑时间的插件
- @vuepress/plugin-medium-zoom (opens new window) - medium-zoom 插件(图片缩放插件)
- @vuepress/plugin-nprogress (opens new window) - nprogress 插件( 进度条插件)
- @vuepress/plugin-pwa (opens new window) - PWA 插件
- @vuepress/plugin-register-components (opens new window) - 注册 Vue 组建插件
- @vuepress/plugin-search (opens new window) - 基于标题的搜索插件
由 (opens new window) 维护:
- vuepress-plugin-clean-urls (opens new window) - 💧 在 VuePress 中用干净的 URL
- vuepress-plugin-container (opens new window) - 📦 在 VuePress 中使用 Markdown 容器
- vuepress-plugin-copyright (opens new window) - 📋 控制 VuePress 的复制行为.
- vuepress-plugin-dehydrate (opens new window) - 🔥 Dehydrate HTML files in VuePress.
- vuepress-plugin-mathjax (opens new window) - 📃 Use TeX syntax in VuePress.
- vuepress-plugin-serve (opens new window) - 🔑 Serve generated files in VuePress.
# 社区插件
- vuepress-plugin-yuque (opens new window) - Input: Yuque Repo, Output: VuePress Site!
- vuepress-plugin-docgen (opens new window) - auto docs generation for your components
- vuepress-plugin-check-md (opens new window) - Check dead links of Markdown.
- vuepress-plugin-flowchart (opens new window) - Rapid flowchart development plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-export (opens new window) - Export your VuePress site to a PDF file
- vuepress-plugin-sitemap (opens new window) - Sitemap generator plugin for VuePress.
- vuepress-plugin-seo (opens new window) - 🔌 Generate SEO friendly meta header for every page
- vuepress-plugin-feed (opens new window) - RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds generator plugin for VuePress 1.x
- vuepress-plugin-demo-code (opens new window) - Display your demo and code at the same time with one source code.
- @silvanite/vuepress-plugin-markdown-classes (opens new window) - Add unique class names to Markdown generated HTML.
- vuepress-plugin-alias (opens new window) - handling page aliases in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-component-docgen (opens new window) - Generate documentation for Vue component
- @vssue/vuepress-plugin-vssue (opens new window) - enable comments for your VuePress sites
- vuepress-plugin-latex (opens new window) - LaTeX rendering plugin for VuePress, driven by KaTeX
- vuepress-plugin-reading-time (opens new window) reading-time plugin to display how long a page takes to read
- vuepress-plugin-minimal-analytics (opens new window) - Minimal Google Analytics plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-autometa (opens new window) - Auto meta tags plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-autonav (opens new window) - Auto nav links plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-feed (opens new window) - RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds generator plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-permalink-pinyin (opens new window) - A VuePress plugin which convert Chinese title to transliterate permalink
- vuepress-plugin-smooth-scroll (opens new window) - VuePress plugin for smooth scrolling
- vuepress-plugin-pangu (opens new window) - A VuePress plugin which automatically inserts whitespace between CJK and half-width characters in Markdown files for better readability
- @goy/vuepress-plugin-svg-icons (opens new window) - A VuePress plugin for managing svg icons based on svg sprite icon.
- vuepress-plugin-migrate (opens new window) - A VuePress plugin which migrates a site to VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-tabs (opens new window) - A VuePress plugin which renders custom Markdown containers as tabs
- vuepress-plugin-baidu-autopush (opens new window) - Inject Baidu url-auto-push script to optimize your site for Baidu SEO.
- vuepress-plugin-element-tabs (opens new window) - Markdown custom container to display content in tabs from Element UI (opens new window)
- vuepress-plugin-blog-multidir (opens new window) - A VuePress blog plugin which Support multiple folders
- vuepress-plugin-reading-progress (opens new window) - A reading progress bar plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-code-switcher (opens new window) - Have code blocks available in multiple languages that you can switch between
- vuepress-plugin-global-toc (opens new window) - An alternative table of contents that covers the entire VuePress site
- vuepress-plugin-social-share (opens new window) - A VuePress plugin which provides social sharing services
- vuepress-plugin-gitalk-maker (opens new window) - modern comment component, base on Gitalk (opens new window) preview (opens new window)
- vuepress-plugin-code-copy (opens new window) - automatically add copy buttons to all code blocks
- vuepress-plugin-img-lazy (opens new window) - A VuePress plugin to better supporting image lazy loading
# 主题
# 官方主题
# 社区主题
- vuepress-theme-reco (opens new window) - 💥 A simple and beautiful VuePress blog theme
- vuepress-theme-thindark (opens new window) - A dark theme for VuePress.
- vuepress-theme-egoist (opens new window) - A blog theme for @EGOIST and a mirror of egoist/blog, but powered by VuePress.
- vuepress-theme-yubisaki (opens new window) - ✨ A blog theme for VuePress
- vuepress-theme-meteorlxy (opens new window) - 💖 VuePress Theme - Meteorlxy
- vuepress-theme-macgs (opens new window) - 💫 A VuePress theme for (opens new window)
- vuepress-theme-jupiter (opens new window) - A simple theme using Bulma-jupiter (opens new window) styles, and supporting LaTeX rendering
- vuepress-theme-simple (opens new window) - ✏️ Very Simple Blog Theme for VuePress
- vuepress-theme-melody (opens new window) - A simple & beautiful blog theme for VuePress. (opens new window)
- vuepress-theme-api (opens new window) - 📦📝🎨 A api-friendly theme for VuePress. (opens new window)
- vuepress-theme-ktquez (opens new window) - A blog theme for VuePress by Ktquez 🤘 - (opens new window)
- vuepress-theme-ououe (opens new window) - A blog theme for VuePress preview (opens new window)
- vuepress-theme-yuicer (opens new window) - A VuePress blog theme for otaku - (opens new window)
- vuepress-theme-craftdocs (opens new window) - A technical documentation / API reference theme for VuePress. (opens new window)
- vuepress-theme-resume (opens new window) - 🐈 Write and generate a Markdown resume by VuePress.
- vuepress-theme-default-prefers-color-scheme (opens new window) - add dark theme for VuePress default theme, base on prefers-color-scheme preview (opens new window)
- vuepress-theme-yur (opens new window) - 💞 A simple and powerful VuePress blog theme by cnguu - Preview (opens new window)
- vuepress-theme-modern-blog (opens new window) - 💖 VuePress Blog Modern Theme
# 使用 VuePress 的项目
# 官方项目
- vue-cli (opens new window)
- vuex (opens new window)
- vue-server-renderer (opens new window)
- vue-router (opens new window)
- vue-test-utils (opens new window)
- vue-loader (opens new window)
- vetur (opens new window)
- rollup-plugin-vue (opens new window)
- events (opens new window)
# 博客
使用 VuePress 的博客站
- ULIVZ (opens new window)
- (VuePress × Netlify) (opens new window)
- (VuePress with AMP) (opens new window)
- Howar31 Blog (VuePress with GitLab Pages) (opens new window)
# 开源项目
使用 VuePress 的文档站点
- (opens new window) - The official guide for discord.js, created and maintained by core members of its community.
- vue-i18n (opens new window) - Vue I18n is internationalization plugin for Vue.js
- vuesax (opens new window) - New Framework Components for Vue.js 2
- cr-vue (opens new window) - 基礎から学ぶ Vue.js サポートページ
- vuemeetups (opens new window) - A place to centralize all Vue.js community efforts
- umi (opens new window) - 🌋 Pluggable enterprise-level react application framework.
- dva (opens new window) - 🌱 React and redux based, lightweight and elm-style framework. (Inspired by elm and choo)
- macaca (opens new window) - Automation test solution for native, hybrid, mobile web and web application on mobile and desktop platforms.
- macaca-datahub (opens new window) - Enjoy the data out-of-the-box.
- app-inspector (opens new window) - Mobile UI viewer in browser, view the UI in a tree view, and generate XPath automatically
- form-wrapper-js (opens new window) - A lightweight library that creates forms systems in a convenient and easy way, without dependencies and magic code.
- lin-cms-vue (opens new window) - A simple and practical CMS implememted by Vue
- openhab (opens new window) - an open source, technology agnostic home automation platform which runs as the center of your smart home!
- ms-design (opens new window) - Vue components that implement Microsoft Design Language
- archcheatsheet (opens new window) - Offline dual boot/no desktop environment
- zaobao (opens new window) - 每日时报,以前端技术体系为主要分享课题。根据: 文章、工具、新闻、视频几大板块作为主要分类。
- vue-cli-plugin-apollo (opens new window) - @vue/cli plugin for Vue Apollo
- vue-cli-plugin-ssr (opens new window) - ✨ Simple SSR plugin for Vue CLI
- vue-concise-slider (opens new window) - vue-concise-slider,A simple vue sliding component
- vue-mapbox (opens new window) - Combine powers of Mapbox GL JS and Vue.js
- xstate (opens new window) - State machines and statecharts for the modern web
- lighthouse (opens new window) - Laravel GraphQL Server
- vue-glide (opens new window) - Vue component on top of the Glide.js
- chartjs-plugin-datalabels (opens new window) - Chart.js plugin to display labels on data elements
- Bocadillo (opens new window) - 🥙 A modern Python web framework filled with asynchronous salsa
- vue-styleguidist (opens new window) - Created from react styleguidist for Vue Components with a living style guide
- vue-chartjs (opens new window) - ⚡ Easy and beautiful charts with Chart.js and Vue.js
- shadow (opens new window) - Gradle Shadow Plugin
- Craft CMS (opens new window) - Craft is a flexible, user-friendly CMS for creating custom digital experiences on the web and beyond.
- open-wc (opens new window) - Open Web Component Recommendations
- pywebview (opens new window) - Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- nuxt-beginners-guide (opens new window) - Japan’s first book that corresponds to Nuxt.js v2 and focuses on deep content.
- vue-a11y-utils (opens new window) - Utilities for accessibility (a11y) in Vue.js
- statusfy (opens new window) - A marvelous open source Status Page system
- autogit (opens new window) - Define commands, using plugins, to execute across all your repositories.
- mpvue-weui (opens new window) - 基于 mpvue 的 weui 框架
- open-autonomous-safety (opens new window) - Open Autonomous Safety
- twill (opens new window) - Twill is an open source CMS toolkit for Laravel that helps developers rapidly create a custom admin console that is intuitive, powerful and flexible.
- pandora (opens new window) - A Manageable, Measurable and Traceable Node.js Application Manager
- css_tricks (opens new window) - Some CSS tricks
- markwon (opens new window) - Android Markdown library (no WebView)
- vue-infinite-loading (opens new window) - An infinite scroll plugin for Vue.js.
- typescript-book-chinese (opens new window) - TypeScript Deep Dive 中文版
- vue-patterns (opens new window) - Useful Vue patterns, techniques, tips and tricks and helpful curated links.
- v8n (opens new window) - ☑️ JavaScript fluent validation library
- PicGo-Core (opens new window) - A tool for picture uploading. Both CLI & API supports.
- EasyHexo (opens new window) - 🤘 Build your own site with Hexo, the easy way. | 轻松使用 Hexo 建站。
- d2-daily (opens new window) - D2 日报。
- SorryPress (opens new window) - VuePress version of xtyxtyx/sorry (opens new window)
- vue-showdown (opens new window) - Use showdown.js in Vue
- vssue (opens new window) - A Vue-powered Issue-based Comment Plugin
- codemirror-colorpicker (opens new window) - Colorpicker manual site
- mtgjson (opens new window) - An open‐source project that catalogues all Magic: The Gathering cards in a portable format.
- Leon (opens new window) - 🧠 Your open-source personal assistant.
- VuePress Theme Cool Starter (opens new window)
- vuesion (opens new window) - The most complete boilerplate for production-ready PWAs. With focus on performance, development speed, and best practices
- blessing-skin-plugin-docs (opens new window) - Blessing Skin Server 插件开发文档
- Mevn-CLI (opens new window) - Light Speed setup for MEVN stack based apps.
- teachcode (opens new window) - A tool to develop and improve a student’s programming skills by introducing the earliest lessons of coding.
- Docker 绿皮书 (opens new window) - Help beginners get started quickly with docker, and show docker’s power through a few simple small examples.
- idea 快捷键速查文档 (opens new window) - Help Intellij IDEA users write code without mouse. And also supply Chinese translation of official keymap PDF(Mac/Win/Linux), it’s available on web page!
- SiteWhere Documentation (opens new window) - SiteWhere (opens new window) is the open platform for the internet of Things. Source (opens new window).
- Pomerium (opens new window) - Pomerium is the open-source (opens new window) identity-aware access proxy.
- Wasabi Wallet (opens new window) – An archive of knowledge about the open-source, non-custodial and privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet for desktop.
- kriry 开发者网络 (opens new window) - kriry 开发者网络 (kriry developer net).