
Site Level i18n Config

To take advantage of multi-language support in VuePress, you first need to use the following file and directory structure:

├─ nested
│  └─
└─ zh
   └─ nested

Then, specify the locales option in .vuepress/config.js:

module.exports = {
  locales: {
    // The key is the path for the locale to be nested under.
    // As a special case, the default locale can use '/' as its path.
    '/': {
      lang: 'en-US', // this will be set as the lang attribute on <html>
      title: 'VuePress',
      description: 'Vue-powered Static Site Generator'
    '/zh/': {
      lang: 'zh-CN',
      title: 'VuePress',
      description: 'Vue 驱动的静态网站生成器'

If a locale does not have a title or description, VuePress will fallback to the root-level values. You can omit the root level title and description as long as they are provided in each locale.

Default Theme i18n Config

The default theme also has built-in i18n support via themeConfig.locales, using the same { path: config } format. Each locale can have its own nav and sidebar config, along with some other text values used across the site:

module.exports = {
  locales: { /* ... */ },
  themeConfig: {
    locales: {
      '/': {
        // text for the language dropdown
        selectText: 'Languages',
        // label for this locale in the language dropdown
        label: 'English',
        // Aria Label for locale in the dropdown
        ariaLabel: 'Languages',
        // text for the edit-on-github link
        editLinkText: 'Edit this page on GitHub',
        // config for Service Worker
        serviceWorker: {
          updatePopup: {
            message: "New content is available.",
            buttonText: "Refresh"
        // algolia docsearch options for current locale
        algolia: {},
        nav: [
          { text: 'Nested', link: '/nested/' , ariaLabel: 'Nested' }
        sidebar: {
          '/': [/* ... */],
          '/nested/': [/* ... */]
      '/zh/': {
        selectText: '选择语言',
        label: '简体中文',
        editLinkText: '在 GitHub 上编辑此页',
        serviceWorker: {
          updatePopup: {
            message: "发现新内容可用.",
            buttonText: "刷新"
        nav: [
          { text: '嵌套', link: '/zh/nested/' }
        algolia: {},
        sidebar: {
          '/zh/': [/* ... */],
          '/zh/nested/': [/* ... */]