Markdown Extensions

Header Anchors

Headers automatically get anchor links applied. Rendering of anchors can be configured using the markdown.anchor option.

Internal links are converted to <router-link> for SPA navigation. Also, every or contained in each sub-directory will automatically be converted to index.html, with corresponding URL /.

For example, given the following directory structure:

├─ foo
│  ├─
│  ├─
│  └─
└─ bar

And providing you are in foo/

[Home](/) <!-- Sends the user to the root -->
[foo](/foo/) <!-- Sends the user to index.html of directory foo -->
[foo heading](./#heading) <!-- Anchors user to a heading in the foo README file -->
[bar - three](../bar/ <!-- You can append .md (recommended) -->
[bar - four](../bar/four.html) <!-- Or you can append .html -->

Redirection for URLs

VuePress supports redirecting to clean links. If a link /foo is not found, VuePress will look for a existing /foo/ or /foo.html. Conversely, when one of /foo/ or /foo.html is not found, VuePress will try the other. With this feature, we can customize your website’s URLs with the official plugin vuepress-plugin-clean-urls (opens new window).


Regardless of whether the permalink and clean-urls plugins are used, your relative path should be defined by the current file structure. In the above example, even though you set the path of /foo/ to /foo/one/, you should still access /foo/ via ./

Page Suffix

Pages and internal links get generated with the .html suffix by default.

You can customize this by setting config.markdown.pageSuffix.

Outbound links automatically get target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer":

You can customize the attributes added to external links by setting config.markdown.externalLinks.


YAML frontmatter (opens new window) is supported out of the box:

title: Blogging Like a Hacker
lang: en-US

This data will be available to the rest of the page, along with all custom and theming components.

For more details, see Frontmatter.

GitHub-Style Tables


| Tables        | Are           | Cool  |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| col 3 is      | right-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is      | centered      |   $12 |
| zebra stripes | are neat      |    $1 |


Tables Are Cool
col 3 is right-aligned $1600
col 2 is centered $12
zebra stripes are neat $1

Emoji 🎉


:tada: :100:


🎉 💯

A list of all emojis (opens new window) is available.

Table of Contents




Rendering of the TOC can be configured using the markdown.toc option.

Custom Containers default theme

Custom containers can be defined by their types, titles, and contents.

Default Title


::: tip
This is a tip

::: warning
This is a warning

::: danger
This is a dangerous warning

::: details
This is a details block, which does not work in IE / Edge



This is a tip


This is a warning


This is a dangerous warning


This is a details block, which does not work in Internet Explorer or Edge.

Custom Title


::: danger STOP
Danger zone, do not proceed

::: details Click me to view the code

console.log("Hello, VuePress!");




Danger zone, do not proceed

Click me to view the code
console.log("Hello, VuePress!");

Also see:

Syntax Highlighting in Code Blocks

VuePress uses Prism (opens new window) to highlight language syntax in Markdown code blocks, using coloured text. Prism supports a wide variety of programming languages. All you need to do is append a valid language alias to the beginning backticks for the code block:


``` js
export default {
  name: 'MyComponent',
  // ...


export default {
  name: "MyComponent",
  // ...


``` html
    v-for="todo in todos"
    {{ todo.text }}


  <li v-for="todo in todos" :key="">{{ todo.text }}</li>

A list of valid languages (opens new window) is available on Prism’s site.

Line Highlighting in Code Blocks


``` js{4}
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      msg: 'Highlighted!'



export default {
  data () {
    return {
      msg: 'Highlighted!'

In addition to a single line, you can also specify multiple single lines, ranges, or both:

  • Line ranges: for example {5-8}, {3-10}, {10-17}
  • Multiple single lines: for example {4,7,9}
  • Line ranges and single lines: for example {4,7-13,16,23-27,40}


``` js{1,4,6-7}
export default { // Highlighted
  data () {
    return {
      msg: `Highlighted!
      This line isn't highlighted,
      but this and the next 2 are.`,
      motd: 'VuePress is awesome',
      lorem: 'ipsum',





export default { // Highlighted
  data () {
    return {
      msg: `Highlighted!
      This line isn't highlighted,
      but this and the next 2 are.`,
      motd: 'VuePress is awesome',
      lorem: 'ipsum',

Line Numbers

You can enable line numbers for each code blocks via config:

module.exports = {
  markdown: {
    lineNumbers: true,
  • Demo:
Image Image

Import Code Snippets beta

You can import code snippets from existing files via following syntax:

<<< @/filepath

It also supports line highlighting:

<<< @/filepath{highlightLines}


<<< @/../vuepress-markdown/__tests__/fragments/snippet.js{2}



export default function () {
  // ..


Since the import of the code snippets will be executed before webpack compilation, you can’t use the path alias in webpack. The default value of @ is process.cwd().

You can also use a VS Code region (opens new window) to only include the corresponding part of the code file. You can provide a custom region name after a # following the filepath (snippet by default):


<<< @/../vuepress-markdown/__tests__/fragments/snippet-with-region.js#snippet{1}

Code file

// #region snippet
function foo() {
  return {
    dest: "../../vuepress",
    locales: {
      "/": {
        lang: "en-US",
        title: "VuePress",
        description: "Vue-powered Static Site Generator",
      "/zh/": {
        lang: "zh-CN",
        title: "VuePress",
        description: "Vue 驱动的静态网站生成器",
    head: [
      ["link", { rel: "icon", href: `/logo.png` }],
      ["link", { rel: "manifest", href: "/manifest.json" }],
      ["meta", { name: "theme-color", content: "#3eaf7c" }],
      ["meta", { name: "apple-mobile-web-app-capable", content: "yes" }],
        { name: "apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style", content: "black" },
          rel: "apple-touch-icon",
          href: `/icons/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png`,
          rel: "mask-icon",
          href: "/icons/safari-pinned-tab.svg",
          color: "#3eaf7c",
          name: "msapplication-TileImage",
          content: "/icons/msapplication-icon-144x144.png",
      ["meta", { name: "msapplication-TileColor", content: "#000000" }],
// #endregion snippet

export default foo;



function foo() {
  return {
    dest: "../../vuepress",
    locales: {
      "/": {
        lang: "en-US",
        title: "VuePress",
        description: "Vue-powered Static Site Generator",
      "/zh/": {
        lang: "zh-CN",
        title: "VuePress",
        description: "Vue 驱动的静态网站生成器",
    head: [
      ["link", { rel: "icon", href: `/logo.png` }],
      ["link", { rel: "manifest", href: "/manifest.json" }],
      ["meta", { name: "theme-color", content: "#3eaf7c" }],
      ["meta", { name: "apple-mobile-web-app-capable", content: "yes" }],
        { name: "apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style", content: "black" },
          rel: "apple-touch-icon",
          href: `/icons/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png`,
          rel: "mask-icon",
          href: "/icons/safari-pinned-tab.svg",
          color: "#3eaf7c",
          name: "msapplication-TileImage",
          content: "/icons/msapplication-icon-144x144.png",
      ["meta", { name: "msapplication-TileColor", content: "#000000" }],

Advanced Configuration

VuePress uses markdown-it (opens new window) as the Markdown renderer. A lot of the extensions above are implemented via custom plugins. You can further customize the markdown-it instance using the markdown option in .vuepress/config.js:

module.exports = {
  markdown: {
    // options for markdown-it-anchor
    anchor: { permalink: false },
    // options for markdown-it-toc
    toc: { includeLevel: [1, 2] },
    extendMarkdown: (md) => {
      // use more markdown-it plugins!