Step by Step Tutorial

Mr.Hope ... 2021-3-16 Get Started About 2 min

This tutorial is a step by step tutorial.

# Environment

You need to install the latest Node.js long-term support version and Yarn.

Download address:

  • Node.js long-term support version: download link (opens new window)

    Please click the green button on the left.

    During the installation process, keep all the default settings, click "next step" till it comes to "finish".


    If you are really a newcomer, DO NOT change the default installation directory.

  • Yarn:

    After installing Node.js, open the terminal and execute:

    npm i -g yarn
    yarn config set registry

# Creating template

Create a folder in a suitable location and open the terminal under the folder.

For Windows, please use the file manager to open the corresponding folder, and then enter cmd in the address bar above and press Enter.

Execute in the terminal:

yarn create vuepress-theme-hope docs

After a while, you can enter localhost:8080/ in the browser address bar to access the development server.


To start the development server, please enter yarn run docs:dev in the terminal and press Enter.

To terminate the development server, please click on the terminal and press Ctrl + C twice.

# Add or modify pages

Except for the .vuepress folder under the docs folder, all the files are rendered as web pages, and the generated links correspond to the folder structure and filename one-to-one. Only is a special case, it will be displayed as the default web page (default homepage) under the folder. This should be easy to understand.

For example, to create a /a/b/, you can create docs/a/ or docs/a/b/, but remember not to create both of them at the same time!

The content of Markdown will be rendered as the content of the web page. For the Markdown tutorial, please see Markdown Tutorial. You can learn the content of Markdown in about fifteen minutes, and remember to come back after reading it!

After learning Markdown, you can try to edit the Markdown file yourself to modify the content of the template.

# Configure VuePress

After learning Markdown, if you haven’t learned JavaScript, it may be difficult to learn it. So please switch the configuration file to YAML.

Please delete .vuepress/config.js and create .vuepress/config.yml, copy the following content and paste it into the file.

# Site name
title: Theme Demo
# Site description
description: A demo for vuepress-theme-hope
# Output directory
dest: ./dist
# Set locale for root folder
    lang: en-US
# Use this theme
theme: hope
# Theme configuration
  # Navigation bar icon
  logo: /logo.svg
  # Please set as your deployment site
  # Please change to your name
  author: Mr. Hope

You should learn some YAML knowledge, we recommend you to check YAML Tutorial (opens new window)

YAML limitations

Using YAML as a configuration file has certain limitations, such cannot use encryption.

To use all the functions, please do not perform the above replacement operation, and read JS Quick Start Tutorial (opens new window).

Next, you can read this document VuePress Basics to get a general understanding of what VuePress is and how to use it.

If you feel that you have mastered it, the next step is to read VuePress official documentation (opens new window) and this theme document, and configure this theme according to your needs.


Please be sure to read the official document first before reading theme docs.

The theme docs do not provide repetitive introductions to the existing content of the official document, so if you do not read the official document, you may not be able to master certain configurations, such as muti-language used in the template.

# Building a site

After you have initially configured the project, you can use the yarn run docs:build command to output the build result to the dist folder.

You can deploy the contents of the folder to the server of your site. The easiest way is to upload to GitHub and serve with GitHub Pages.

For related tutorials on GitHub, you can see GitHub Documentation (opens new window).

Last update: January 4, 2022 13:17
Contributors: Mr.Hope , Mr.Hope