GitHub OAuth App

Mr.Hope ... 2020-1-7 About 1 min

# GitHub OAuth App

Vssue can also work with self-hosted GitHub Enterprise Server. Set the baseURL options to your GitHub URL.

GitHub requires clientSecret because GitHub does not support implicit grant type (opens new window)

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# Create a new OAuth App

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  • Set the Homepage URL and Authorization callback URL to your site URL (Here we take localhost:8080 for example)

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# Get the Client ID and Secret

Then you’ve created a new OAuth App, and here is your Client ID and Client Secret.

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# Config and start your Vssue

Copy the Client ID and Client Secret, and set owner and repo.

The URL pattern of github repo is${owner}/${repo}

Here we take for example, and set the title of issue to Vssue Demo.

Then run anywhere -h localhost 8080 to serve the index.html on localhost:8080.

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# Try out Vssue locally

Vssue has already run here. Click Login to login with GitHub account.

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Redirect to GitHub Authorization page. Click Authorize ${your account} to login.

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Leave a comment on this page ~

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You can go to the repository meteorlxy/vssue-demo (opens new window) to get the demo code. Check the #1 issue (opens new window) of that repository to see what happened.

Last update: March 25, 2022 03:29
Contributors: Mr.Hope