The sidebar contains list of related documents, document titles, and blogger information in blog mode.
The theme allows you to generate side bar from file structure or headers automatically, or you can customize it manually.
Sidebar Links
You should use sidebar
in theme options to control sidebar.
String Format
Just like navbar, you can fill in an array of multiple file links as the basic configuration of the sidebar:
import { hopeTheme } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
export default {
theme: hopeTheme({
sidebar: ["/", "/guide/", "/config/"],
Each item of the array will be rendered as a sidebar item.
You can omit the .md
extension, and paths ending with /
are inferred as /
Object Format
Just like navbar, if you are not satisfied with the page's icon or feel that the page title is too long, you can configure an object instead. Available configuration items are:
: item textlink
: item linkicon
: item icon (optional)activeMatch
: item active math (optional), support regexp strings
import { hopeTheme } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
export default {
theme: hopeTheme({
sidebar: [
text: "Guide",
link: "/guide/",
icon: "lightbulb",
{ text: "Config", link: "/config/", icon: "config" },
text: "FAQ",
link: "/",
icon: "circle-question",
// active in path starting with `/faq`
// so it will active in path like `/faq/xxx.html`
activeMatch: "^/faq/",
Advanced usage of activeMatch
gives you the ability to control whether the path is active through RegExps.
Grouping and Nesting
If you need a sidebar that displays a nested structure, you can group similar links.
You should use object format and provide an additional children
option to set the list of links.
Like navbar, you can use prefix
in the sidebar to add a default path prefix to each link in the group.
The sidebar additionally supports setting collapsible: true
to make the menu group collapsible, and you can se expanded: true
to make the menu group default expanded.
import { hopeTheme } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
export default {
theme: hopeTheme({
sidebar: [
// required, title of group
text: "Group 1",
// optional, icon of group
icon: "tip",
// optional, link of group title
link: "/foo/",
// optional, will be appended to each item link
prefix: "/foo/",
// optional, defaults to false
collapsible: true,
// optional, representing the original state of a collapsible sidebar group,
// defaults to false
expanded: true,
// required, items of group
children: [
"" /* /foo/index.html */,
/* ... */
"" /* /foo/geo.html */,
text: "Group 2",
children: [
/* ... */
"" /* /ray/bar.html */,
"" /* /ray/baz.html */,
You can also nest Sidebar grouping:
import { hopeTheme } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
export default {
theme: hopeTheme({
sidebar: [
text: "Group",
prefix: "/",
children: [
"baz" /* /baz.html */,
text: "Sub Group 1",
children: ["quz" /* /quz.html */, "xyzzy" /* /xyzzy.html */],
text: "Sub Group 2",
prefix: "corge/",
children: [
"fred" /* /corge/fred.html */,
"grault" /* /corge/grault.html */,
"foo" /* /foo.html */,
You may want to use it with prefix
to restore the structure of the document easily.
For example, suppose you have a following directory structure:
├─ foo/
│ ├─
│ ├─
│ └─
└─ bar/
Then you can use the following config:
import { hopeTheme } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
export default {
theme: hopeTheme({
sidebar: [
"/" /* / */,
text: "Foo",
prefix: "/foo/",
children: [
"" /* /foo/ */,
"one" /* /foo/one.html */,
"two" /* /foo/two.html */,
text: "Bar",
prefix: "/bar/",
children: [
"" /* /bar/ */,
"three" /* /bar/three.html */,
"four" /* /bar/four.html */,
"/contact" /* /contact.html */,
"/about" /* /about.html */,
Multiple Sidebars
To display different sidebars for different page groups, set an object for the sidebar in the format of path: config
For example, if you have the following structure:
├─ foo/
│ ├─
│ ├─
│ └─
└─ bar/
You can define your sidebar for each section using below configuration:
import { hopeTheme } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
export default {
theme: hopeTheme({
sidebar: {
"/foo/": [
"" /* /foo/ */,
"one" /* /foo/one.html */,
"two" /* /foo/two.html */,
"/bar/": [
"" /* /bar/ */,
"three" /* /bar/three.html */,
"four" /* /bar/four.html */,
// fallback
"/": [
"" /* / */,
"contact" /* /contact.html */,
"about" /* /about.html */,
You need to pay special attention to the order of object key declaration. Generally speaking, you should put the more precise path first, because VuePress will traverse the key names of the sidebar configuration to find the matching configuration. Once a key name is successfully matched with the current path, it will display the corresponding sidebar configuration.
In this case, the fallback sidebar must be defined last for this reason.
Generate Sidebar from File Structure New
You can replace the original "sidebarConfig array" with "structure"
keyword in any of the above sidebar config. This will allow the theme to automatically read local files, then generate sidebar from file structure for you, to reduce your config workload.
For example, for the following example mentioned earlier in multiple sidebars:
├─ foo/
│ ├─
│ ├─
│ └─
└─ bar/
You can change the original config to:
import { hopeTheme } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
export default {
theme: hopeTheme({
sidebar: {
"/foo/": "structure",
"/bar/": "structure",
// fallback
"/": [
"" /* / */,
"contact" /* /contact.html */,
"about" /* /about.html */,
In the above modification, since the original sidebar array is all files under the relevant path, you can easily replace it with the "structure"
If you use the structure to generate a folder with other folders nested under it, the corresponding folder will be rendered as a group. So you can even be more aggressive, for example setting sidebar: "structure"
to have your sidebars all auto-generated from the file structure.
Since structure sidebar is depending on file structure and markdown frontmatter, any changes in markdown may update the structure sidebar. (E.g: setting index: false
in frontmatter as described below)
However, recalculating the sidebar could be expensive for large sites, so the theme will only recalculate with hotReload
Advanced Control
During the automatic generation from structure, you can control whether files in the same folder are included through the index
option in the page Frontmatter, and control how they are sorted through order
When you don't want the page to be included in the sidebar, you need to set index: false
in Frontmatter.
By default, the sidebar will be sorted according to the current language according to the title text of the file name. You can control how they are sorted by order
. When you set a positive number, they will appear at the front of the group, the smaller the more forward, when you set a negative number, it will appear at the back of the group, and the larger the more backward:
- page -> order: 1
- page -> order: 2
- page -> order: 3
- ...
- pages with positive
will be sorted byorder
here - ...
- page without
option -> title: Axxx - ...
- pages without
option will be sorted by title here - ...
- page without
option -> title: Zxxx - ...
- pages with negative
will be sorted byorder
here - ...
- page -> order: -3
- page -> order: -2
- page -> order: -1
is an exception, as long as you don't disable it from the sidebar via index: false
or make it as group link, it will always be the first item after sorting.
For nested folders, the grouping information is controlled by
under that folder. You can control the behavior of folder grouping through the dir
option in Frontmatter. The relevant optional items are as follows:
: Directory title, default
: Directory icon, default
: Whether the directory is collapsible, default totrue
: Whether the directory is default expanded, default tofalse
: Whether the directory is clickable, default tofalse
: Whether index current dir, default totrue
: Dir order in sidebar, default to0
Here is an example:
order: 1
text: Group 1
If no
file exists for the corresponding folder, only the group header will be generated from the folder name.
Customize Sorter
In addition to the above implementation, we also added a more powerful sidebarSorter
option to the theme options. You can pass one or a series of built-in sorter names, or you can pass a sorter function you need to sort sidebar items at the same level.
Available keywords are:
: positive order first with its value ascending, negative order last with its value descendingdate
: sort by date ascendingdate-desc
: sort by date descendingtitle
: alphabetically sort by titlefilename
: alphabetically sort by filename
Corresponding to the above advanced control, its default value is ["readme", "order", "title", "filename"]
Disabling Sidebar
You can disable the sidebar on a specific page via frontmatter:
sidebar: false
Sidebar is disabled by default in home page.
Header Links Depths
The sidebar automatically displays links for headers in the current active page, nested under the link for the page itself. You can customize this behavior using headerDepth
in theme options. The default depth(the max value) is 2
, which extracts both h2
and h3
headers. Setting it to 0
disables the header links.
A page can also override this value via frontmatter:
headerDepth: 2
Active Header Links
By default, the nested header links and the hash in the URL are updated as the user scrolls to view the different sections of the page. This behavior can be disabled with the following theme config:
import { hopeTheme } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
export default {
theme: hopeTheme({
plugins: {
activeHeaderLinks: false,
I18n Support
The theme's navbar supports I18n, so you can set sidebar individually in each language:
import { hopeTheme } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
export default {
theme: hopeTheme({
locales: {
"/": {
sidebar: [
/* English config under root */
"/zh/": {
sidebar: [
/* Chinese config under zh folder */
Types and Helpers
exports the type of sidebar as SidebarOptions
, and provides a sidebar
helper function.
To deal with the situation when you split multi-sidebar configuration into multiple parts, we also provide SidebarArrayOptions
type and arraySidebar
and objectSidebar
helper functions.
import { sidebar } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
export default sidebar([
/* Your sidebar configuration */
Configuration of this documentation
import { sidebar } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
export const enSidebarConfig = sidebar({
"/": [
text: "Guide",
icon: "lightbulb",
prefix: "guide/",
children: [
text: "Config",
icon: "gears",
prefix: "config/",
children: [
text: "Cookbook",
icon: "signs-post",
prefix: "cookbook/",
children: ["markdown/", "vuepress/"],
"/get-started/": "structure",
"/guide/": "structure",
"/config/": "structure",
"/cookbook/": "structure",
"/demo/": "structure",
"/faq/": "structure",